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Highly Recommended Watch: President Ramaphosa addresses lawmakers in the UK Parliament (
President Cyril Ramaphosa addresses lawmakers in the UK Parliament at Westminster in London.

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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst The relationship between South Africa and the UK has always been special, both for the worst and for the good. The SA's President did an outstanding speech as a Statesman who understands he represents not to a party or ideology, but to the country he leads. Diplomacy as its best. Behind the scenes, trade, development, collective work, even the reminding to UK that SA is a key element of the BRICS group. SA is doing a good work outside of its borders to sell itself as the African country which opens Central and Southern Africa to business and trade, in a continent where barriers are disappearing, both for trade, travel in-between African countries, education, trying to create a new stable territory where countries together can benefit from African inter solidarity and ideas. The positive news in that area of the world are many, although not being sold as good as the negative ones. South Africa, being the more developed country of central and Southern Africa, is already open to the 4th IR with mature start ups and politics, influencing for instance East Africa, through Kenya and Tanzania, already becoming a hub together with Rwanda of the digital world. The challenges are many but visits and speeches like this one help to revive and invigorate international relations between SA and other countries. UK fortunately is seeing great opportunities in a healthy relationship with SA, and that is seen all around the Anglophone Africa, compared to the stagnant Francophone SA where the Metropoli, Paris, continue its neocolonial policies. Seize the opportunities of a renewed cooperation post Pandemic.
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