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Watch: Bitcoin Price Likely Headed to $8K but Gold Could See $2,100, Silver $30 on Dollar Downfall (
"The U.S. dollar has been holding everything back in terms of valuations," says Carley Garner, author of Higher Probability Commodity Trading" and founder of "There's a big disconnect between oil stocks and oil future's market," she says to Daniela Cambone. "Investors are starving for a place to put their money and oil is working for the time being," Garner states. "I have a hard time finding intrinsic value in bitcoin, or one particular coin in general," she continues. "I personally think there is a chance of $8,000 bitcoin, the market is full of surprises for bitcoin and that won't change," Garner says. Garner concludes that, "gold has been very disappointing, and is not behaving the way you expect it to in war-like and inflation-like environment."

#dollar #silver #gold

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00:00 The stock market performance in general
3:30 Are there any sectors worth buying?
4:16 What’s happening in the crypto market?
6:04 Is Bitcoin a good buy long-term?
7:05 The performance of gold this year
9:07 Is silver outlook more optimistic?
10:05 Factors working in favor of the dollar
11:53 Copper industry
13:34 The Fed’s next move
14:33 Final thoughts for investor

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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst The USD has been too high valued until now, and it reflects on the stock markets and commodities' prices. With 2023 coming, and the possibility of recession, even financial crashes, the USD maybe will lose this higher value. The turmoil should happen in Q1 2023, but we will have to see what really happens. Meanwhile there is a disconnecting between oil stocks and oil future markets, BTC will go down again to low prices, while the classical use of gold as haven for investors is rising even if gold performance this year has been disappointing this year too. The same may happen with silver and other mineral commodities. The short term is that investors are afraid, and they want to put their money out from banks into gold, silver, etc. Long term, anything can happen, in this strange decade. We have to go day by day, and take all the opportunities which fall on our way, using realism and common sense.