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Recommended Watch: The Strange Ongoing Saga of FTX and Sam Bankman-Fried (
Taken from JRE #1903 w/Kurt Metzger:
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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst What is the current situation of FTX and SBF? The story is so weird that all the things told now would have been considered exaggerations, full lies or fake stories before its collapse. Like SBF playing LoL when talking to investors, the use of amphetamines, the connections through SBF's parents to the Democratic Party and even SEC, SBF saying Republicans also got money from them, the parties... himself saying that his support for Altruism and empathy was really a facade..., but what we all ask is if this is all true, or at least some of it, and the collapse is because of mismanagement (time will say) then why is he free? And why so few spoke against FTX and SBF before if the signs were so clear? Or we are living an episode of "The Outer Zone"?