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Recommended Watch: "There's Something Bigger Going On With FTX" | Mark Yusko (
As if the SBF/FTX saga couldn’t get weirder, Sam Bankman-Fried is now doing an media tour, with major outlets giving him a platform to explain what happened with FTX. This is a stark difference between that of disgraced investor Bernie Madoff, who was in handcuffs just 24 hours after his ponzi scheme was exposed. Across his media tour, Bankman-Fried continued revealing some eye-opening revelations, most notably stating that as far as Alameda Research is concerned, he “wasn’t running Alameda: and that he didn’t know exactly what was going on. At this point, its extremely difficult to believe anything Bankman-Fried says, as he openly said on Twitter that he basically told everyone what they wanted to hear and his altruistic persona wasn’t real. None of this adds up and Mark Yusco called it out. In an interview with Kitco News, Yusco questions everything that is going on with SBF and FTX, and because of his media treatment, he believes there is something bigger going on than Sam Bankman-Fried.
► To watch the full interview:

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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst This crypto winter feels unreal. After all the collapses, with FTX being the worse, Bankman-Fried has said in social media his social "persona" was not real, that basically he didn't know anything about what was happening on, while going around a media tour, smiling and apparently not worried or even remorseful about so many losing their money. This, compared with the treatment of others accused of scams, or Ponzi schemes, arrested to investigate if they were guilty or innocent, is surprising. Why is he free to go on social media, and no words from any financial crimes department? What is there behind the curtains if there is something? why is he projecting that image of childish naughtiness? There is something wrong with all this. Or are we wrong? What do you think?