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Highly Recommended Watch: New AI chatbot 'ChatGPT' interviewed on TV (
ChatbotGPT is a new artificial intelligence programme designed to simulate human conversation and tackle complex questions.


It's made by Open AI foundation, a tech-startup co-founded by Elon Musk, and it draws on text taken from a variety of sources on the internet and its creators say it has learned how to answer academic questions, and even sometimes admits when it's wrong.

We've done an interview by putting questions to the chatbot, and then generating a voice for it using different software.

We asked the Chatbot GPT whether fears about A.I. threatening the human race are well-founded.

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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst Talking to a chatbot used to be fun. Now, the chatbot is so advanced that it gets eerie. The last development, Chatbot GPT, even on Beta, is a language model limited in many things, working inside a framework to assist and answer questions only, is already changing the way we interacting with the machine and the intelligence networks. If you have not used it yet watch this. Then imagine what can we expect in or before 2030 when a chatbot AI is so developed that not only will pass the Turing text, but probably become the foundation for a proper AGI. We are waiting for further chatbots which are connected with Internet, able to learn and grow. In this remaining time before the Sngularity we should already be working on all ethical and moral issue which an AGI would provoke, and which kind of limits if any we should program in it.