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Watch: Why Generative AI will be the next BILLION $DOLLAR Industry (Use cases, ChatGPT, etc.) (
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Why Generative AI will be the next BILLION $DOLLAR Industry (Use cases, ChatGPT, etc.)

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Episode #106
date: Dec 3, 2022
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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst Generative AIs capabilities as they are now are nothing compared to what it will be in let's say six months, one year, five years time. In fact they are not real AIs, but generative models which can be used for many things, according to the input which has been plugged in them. But we can't say it is just that. It means the starting of a revolution on the way we work in the digital world, helping us with real world tasks too, in every field. And this brings money. Artists and content creators, engineers, architects, doctors, etc, will benefit, they are already doing it, from using these Generative models. Their way of work will change very fast. And with it many interesting consequences, for instance the Generative AI being used by someone, let's say an artist, will bring its experience to the common knowledge of the Generative model for everyone. Also negative ones, like those which can use them for training data and create other type of AIs, not for us all but for their own profit. Which kind of regulation if any is needed? How to deal with it? Interesting. Let's be smart, think how can we use these models for the best, and for profit of all.