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Recommended Watch: Why is Africa turning away from the United States? | The Bottom Line (
Officials in the United States look upon Africans as people “in need of help” or people who “need to be told what to do”, and this is destroying relations between Africa and Washington, according to the former African Union representative to the US, Arikana Chihombori-Quao.

“The US needs to call a timeout and treat Africans with respect,” Chihombori told host Steve Clemons, adding that the US-Africa Leaders Summit hosted by the White House this week “will fail unless Americans see Africans as equals".

Chihombori-Quao argues that pan-African unity is the only path for the continent to be less dependent on outside powers.

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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst Western countries, led by US, continue to practice outdated foreign policies about Africa as a continent which needs Aid, a territory where resources must be exported only to them and leaders which are not very, let's say, democratic, our even smart enough. African leaders go to meetings with US today, get their promised loans and a speech about democracy and human rights, and tomorrow take another plane to China to get soft loans and no speeches at all. Of course both US and China fight for power and influence in Africa. As Rwanda's President has said just some days ago (paraphrasing): an African Leaders Summit in any place other than Africa is a lie. It's a show of disrespect. Let's not forget that this is the only continent, even with all its problems, where population grows, resources from minerals to nature to young and smart people are.