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Recommended Watch: The World Ahead 2023: five stories to watch out for (
What stories should you be following in 2023? From India becoming the world’s most populous country, to an illegal drug that might be approved as a medicine, The Economist offers its annual look at the year ahead.

00:00 - The World Ahead 2023
00:35 - India's population potential
04:30 - Psychedelic medicines
08:06 - Japan’s markets mayhem?
12:45 - Repairing the world
15:50 - The coronation's colonial concerns

Read more on The World Ahead 2023:

Read Tom Standage’s editor’s note on The World Ahead 2023:

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Has China reached the peak of its powers?

India is continuing on its path to majoritarian chauvinism:

Will China’s economy ever overtake America’s in size?

The Bank of Japan shocks investors:

Japan’s bond-market peg could snap:

Repairing clothes is becoming more fashionable:

Ketamine, psilocybin and MDMA are coming to the medicine cabinet:

More American clinics are offering ketamine to treat depression:

Sensible policy on psychedelic drugs is growing more common:

Psychedelic therapy shows great promise. More states should legalise it:

King Charles III’s coronation is a real marketing opportunity:

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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst Pop Media is already putting out there the latest about Nostradamus and 2023. Other talk about the stories they believe will dominate the next year cycle. In fact, there are so many urgent and big stories, narratives, which is difficult to know which ones are the most important. Reading this post we are reminded of some stories which are not maybe creating big headlines but that are already important on their own. Japan has changed its economic policies. India is growing and changing, there is a debate growing about psychedelic drugs. Of course the big debate about environment, climate change but also about how to repair the world both environment and our own civilisation, etc. What we are living now is something which happens only from time to time, a time of deep and rapid changes and a clash of narratives.