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Highly Recommended Watch: How to make poor areas richer (
Many people in the rich world are feeling the pinch, particularly in its poorest regions. As the cost of living rises, how can such “left behind” areas be made richer?

Film supported by @mishcondereya

00:00 - How can rich countries address regional inequality?
01:10 - How did regional inequality emerge?
04:45 - How local politicians can help close economic gaps
06:20 - Why making poorer areas better off is a priority
07:30 - How this German city has changed its fortunes
09:15 - How Germany has championed regional development
11:18 - How Pittsburgh is using education to redefine its economy
15:13 - How Tulsa is becoming a haven for remote-workers
18:00 - Why regional inequality is a concern for all

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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst How to make poor areas richer? The answers are complicated and mostly depending on many circumstances. It's easy to oversimplify the answers. We however could compare this to how many people are also seeing their personal lives are changing for the worse because of global changes everywhere including the way we work. The only way to come out from this for a person is to radically transform his/her mentality, get new skills, prepare for new opportunities and jobs. Many poor areas were mild class or going well before. Changes in economic situation or rising inequality produce a crisis which make areas rife with crime, inequality, poor housing quality, etc. The only way to transform these areas is to start with the people giving new opportunities to the people living there. Otherwise we will have areas beyond poverty, areas where even Police is afraid to come in. In this age of changes, let's ge together for a better society.