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Recommended Watch: Aftershock: The World Reshaped by Covid (
From the trauma of the global pandemic, a new economy is emerging. Global lockdowns freed creative minds, triggering breakthrough innovation in everything from healthcare and education to connectivity and logistics. Advances in fundamental science like artificial intelligence and gene editing are animating the business world. Meanwhile, global investors are rethinking long-term strategic goals and prioritizing sustainability. What are the pillars of this transition and how can it serve humanity?

Bloomberg's Haslinda Amin moderates a panel with Michael Miebach, CEO, Mastercard, Sunil Bharti Mittal, Founder and Chairman, Bharti Enterprises; Executive Chairman, OneWeb and Jane Sun, CEO, Group

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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst The Global Reset is becoming also a Great Awakening. People has changed a lot of priorities due to the Pandemic, and many events which were supposed to happen slowly and with time are already being the normal, such as work at home, digital education, digital training and skills instead of going for colleges' certificates, and many other advances which are yet happening. We need yet recover from the Pandemic, and there are many places where Black Swans can happen, but as resilient as humans are, we need to be hopeful and strive for the best.