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Research Report: Are you in the blockchain space? Download this 205 page pdf for free!
Foreword by Alex Cleanthous 

When the Internet first launched in the early 1990s, nobody could truly have envisaged the impact it would have on society, and the reach it would have globally. 

Blockchain is now where the Internet was in the early 1990s – some people can see its potential, most people don’t understand it, and the people who do are putting everything into being part of the next evolution of society. 

When I co-founded Web Profits in 2006, our aim was (and continues to be) to help companies drive growth by leveraging the full power of the Internet. 

Our timing was right and we were lucky enough to ride the wave that was the Internet. We launched Zage, the blockchain marketing arm of Web Profits, to ride the next wave. We believe that blockchain will have as much of an impact on society as the Internet, and we want to be a part of that journey. 

We created this report to move the conversation away from the hype that defined the industry throughout 2017, to now focus on how blockchain is currently being used, where it will be heading in the future, and which projects are already making an impact. 


Rather than telling you what we think, we wanted to get insights from industry leaders and share them with you. We interviewed leaders from cryptocurrencies, blockchain projects, crypto exchanges, hedge funds and investment funds, and we did our best to make it easy for you to read. 

I invite you to get a coffee, find a nice quiet place, and take the time to go through this report to really understand the impact that blockchain will have on society as a whole. We believe blockchain technology has outstanding potential – but don’t take our word for it! 

Read the opinions of 100 leaders helping to shape the future today with practical applications in blockchain technology. Blockchain is where the Internet was in the early 1990s 


Download the 205 PDF Report here:
    • 1
    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst Awesome report. The blockchain landscape is growing beyond crypto, and there are a lot of trials on use cases already. It is true we need more time, more trials, to really see the blockchain all around us, but the exponential growth of this tech promises a lot.