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Highly Recommended: About | Blockchain Summer School in Denmark (
While blockchain-based applications such as Bitcoin are still in their infancy, a dramatic increase in industrial and academic interest in blockchain technology is evident.

In addition, start-ups, as well as industry initiatives, are presently working intensely on blockchain-based innovations, making the technology one of the most promising drivers of innovation in many sectors and industries.

However, the design and implementation of blockchain-based systems requires know-how in various areas, as well as mindful consideration of larger economic and societal issues.

These objectives provide the starting point for this summer school.In this first ever blockchain summer school to be held worldwide, this course/summer school will focus on educating students in blockchain technology to develop solutions within three focal industries.

The participants will learn how blockchain technology is disrupting existing business models and will gain insights in paradigmatic changes occurring from economic, organisational, and computer science viewpoints.

As a result, the participants will be able to develop their own, new value creating information systems, which are designed as decentralized autonomous systems.

As learning outcomes, the participants will receive computer science, information systems, and business knowledge background in order to analyse existing business processes and their potential to convert them into blockchain-based solutions. In doing so, they will be able to co-create new blockchain-based cryptographic economic systems.

Within the summer school, participants will learn how to set up a development environment and how to work with the emergent crowd-funded decentralized blockchain application platform of Ethereum. They will be able to design and implement their own smart contracts and will code their own dapps (decentralized apps).

Once basic blockchain elements have been introduced, participants will work on their own blockchain development projects, supported by the participating industry partners.

The outcomes will be functioning demonstrators as well as a written documentation and reports that illustrate the business process or transaction realized in a blockchain implementation and how, in so doing, a real world challenge is addressed.


There is only a limited number of participants. Interested students need to apply: How to Apply 


All participants will present their blockchain solutions at the end of the summer school and defend these.

PhD students can receive ECTS points. For that, they have to produce a 15 pages comprising report after the summer school.

In addition, they have to defend the report in a 30 minutes oral exam. Only when all three mandatory tasks (presentation, report, and oral exam) are assessed as satisfactory, ECTS points will be granted and a certificate will be issued.

Credits (for PhD students only, pending approval at the moment) 4 ECTS pointsAmount of hours the student is expected to use on the courseParticipation: 60 hours (3 days 8 hour each and 36h hackathon over two days)

Preparation: 18 hours (proposal writing, self-study and preparation of mandatory material)

Post-processing: 36 hours (finalizing the 15 pages report on the developed blockchain solution)

Required readings 

All participants are expected to familiarize themselves with the required readings before the start of the summer school. This is our tentative reading list: Required Readings :

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