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Watch: The Art Of Blockchain | Forbes (
By day, Thomas Silkjaer designs bibles. By night, he turns blockchains into art. How do the two inform each other? What can we learn from the traditional and how can we apply it to the new?

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    Kristal Saints Content Creator at Cristal Saints Curiosity is a key component when experimenting with revolutionary technologies, the core purpose should be to discover how to apply it in industries that at first sight may not seem compatible. It’s amazing to see how this typography artist found a way of using the blockchain to create these art pieces. As he mentions one of the first things discussed in art school is the differentiation between design and art, whereas design is primarily focused on solving problems and it’s meant to be functional and arts sole purpose is to express our feelings and emotions so to take data (a technical field) and figuring out after complex experimentations a way to blend it and purposefully combine it into an art piece is incredible to me. I believe that connecting art with technology is pure magic.