Recommended: Morgan Stanley Report Analyzes Blockchain-Based Currencies And Industry - (
This month, Morgan Stanley issued a report in which it performed an analysis of the cryptocurrency ecosystem. Researchers at the Morgan Stanley Decrypted!

A Crypto/Blockchain Teach-in sought answers to gain a better understanding of the underlying features of various iterations of blockchaintechnology, as well as the cryptocurrencies that inhabit those ecosystems.

The researchers identified four big takeaways from the teach-in: the pace of development in the cryptospace is "mind boggling," seasoned players are ready to face challenges and are "self-aware of opportunities," platforms still must undergo a great deal of development before going mainstream, and incumbent investors will seek to "retain their moat.

An analysis of Bitcoin versus Ethereum blockchains pointed out the pliability of executable distributed code contracts as well as the Ethereum blockchain's ability to create a means of broad-spectrum consensus, whereas Bitcoin is only a balance of accounts. Research was also performed on Ripple and its remittance solutions suite....continue reading on Ethnews: