Use Case: Malta taps blockchain technology for academic record management system - EconoTimes (
The Government of Malta is launching the first nation-state pilot for storing official records of learners and workers on a blockchain.

According to the official release, the Ministry for Education and Employment of the Republic of Malta signed an agreement last month with Learning Machine Technologies to launch the blockchain pilot.

Under the agreement, Maltese learners and workers can securely store all of their records of lifelong learning in one place, prove that they own them, and share them with anyone in the world for free.

By using the platform, employers and others would be able to instantly verify that a credential is authentic, saving significant time and money. This will help institutions prevent fraud and protect their brands while giving learners and workers full control of their official records.

"For the first time, Maltese learners have a way to keep track of their lifelong achievements in one place, with the flexibility to share them with whomever they choose at no cost.

Maltese businesses will find that hiring workers with the right qualifications has gotten much easier. This is a win/win for Malta, whose skilled workforce is among the primary drivers of its economic success,” Evarist Bartolo, Minister for Education and Employment in Malta, said.

Blockcerts, developed by Learning Machine with the MIT Media Lab in 2016, is available for iOS and Android. It manages the public and private keys that allow recipients to own their blockchain-based records.

The app communicates with issuing institutions to receive, verify, store, and share Blockcerts. It also proves ownership: that the individual presenting a blockchain certificate is the same individual to whom it was issued.

Once a Blockcert is received from an issuer, the recipient owns it forever. The Blockcert remains verifiable even if the issuing institution ceases to operate.

Blockcerts can be easily transferred to other software that uses the Blockcerts standard, relieving recipients of their dependency on a single vendor or institution to store, verify, and share their records.

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