Highly Recommended Viewing: Sell Bitcoin, Buy Gold? (youtube.com)
Mike McGlone, Bloomberg Intelligence commodity strategist, shows Bloomberg's Abigail Doolittle a potentially bearish chart on Bitcoin, and a possibly bullish chart on gold.

This video and breaking news events in blockchain and dynamic cryptocurrency markets reporting, is also streaming on BCtvBlockchainTelevision.org for larger screen devices.

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 A common thread? The Fed. Find out more in "Charting Futures."
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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst Very clear analysis on the actual situation of #Bitcoin market, potentially bearish, and the influence of the Fed on this situation. It opens eyes, and makes reflect on how to act as an investor in the next future. It also makes us recognise how Bitcoin has passed from being nothing to an asset which is central to many people and is even now compared to gold! #Crypto is the present and the future.
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    Admin Blockchain Company This video and breaking news in blockchain and cryptocurrency markets is showing now on BCtv - Blockchaintelevision.org. Click to start viewing in your browser, all on 24/7 autoplay! For larger device screens only. Watch on your desktop, laptop and connected smart tv while you work.