Coronavirus: Yuval Noah Harari, philosopher and historian, on the legacy of Covid-19 - BBC HARDtalk (
The coronavirus pandemic has presented humanity with an almighty shock. Our evermore interconnected and technologically advanced societies are now in lockdown and we are fearful for our health and economic futures thanks to an invisible virus. HARDtalk’s Stephen Sackur speaks to the Israeli historian and best-selling author Yuval Noah Harari. What 21st century lesson can we draw from the spread of Covid-19?
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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst We love listening to Yuval Harari everytime he speaks on TV or online. Sometimes, like this one, even when the interviewer likes to listen more to himself and cut him several times! Harari is one of the few personalities which causes the listener to wonder while opening ways to new questions. We need some guidelines in this time of global shock. What do you think?