Recommended Watch: Why are so many babies dying of Covid-19 in Brazil? - BBC News (
Despite the overwhelming evidence that Covid-19 rarely kills young children, in Brazil 1,300 babies have died from the virus.

Experts say the sheer number of Covid cases in the country - the second-highest number in the world - have increased the likelihood that Brazil's babies and young children are affected.

Such a high infection rate has overwhelmed Brazil's entire health care system.

Across the country, oxygen supplies are dwindling, there is a shortage of basic medicines and in many ICUs across the country there are simply no more beds.

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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst New virus waves globally seem to affect more young and children than before. Those young who before got the virus were barely sick. Now, they develop worse conditions, or they die. Brazil, with a poor health system, unfortunately shows this. Its health system is overwhelmed and moreover things seem to get worse with time.