Highly Recommended Watch: Why AI is an important skill to have when looking for a new job (youtube.com)
LinkedIn’s editor-in-chief Dan Roth joins TODAY to discuss the latest trends in the workplace, including the importance of having skills in artificial intelligence and the rise of unretiring.

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#ai #technology #job
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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst #AI is the new buzzword. For some, it will be just that, and won't go beyond LLMs which will be more developed, and many AI tools which appear every day, like when Apps and Chrome extensions were the fashion and everybody had to use this and that "to improve work experience and productivity". There is some truth here, but we also firmly believe that AI is going to develop in a such way that, like now we can't get a job without digital skills, companies will start asking about our AI use skills, our understanding and experiences, and our ability to be flexible to new developments in the field. We also believe that many who are now "not amused by these modern shenanigans, so I won't use AI until everybody does it!"will be surprised and many even left out of the work place. What do you think? TODAY #ai #technology #job