Recommended Watch: What Seed and Series A startups overlook | Andrew Beebe, Obvious Ventures (
Here's the story of Andrew Beebe, the Managing Director of Obvious Ventures. Obvious Ventures was founded by Ev Williams, the former CEO of Twitter. For over a decade, they have managed a $1 billion fund, focusing on investments in three areas: Planetery Health, Human Health, and Economic Health. Andrew was an internet first-generation entrepreneur, having founded a company in San Francisco at a young age. He later transitioned his career into the solar energy sector. Today, we'll explore the insights shared by the Managing Director of Obvious Ventures about Seed Stage and Series A startups, and the common mistakes they often make. #venturecapital #seed #seriesa

00:00 Intro
01:19 Cool Internet Founder to Investor
07:46 Perspective on Seed & Series A Startups
11:18 Better Products Change Human Behavior

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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst What we learn from someone who has all his life being a start up and business serial founder about his perspective about tradicional Seed and Series A startups funding , is valuable. Everybody learns making mistakes while building a start up, a brand, a culture, even by not understanding in depth the difference between Seed Capital and Series A. Seed means that a start up is building a product, which will stand the test of time, while in a Serie A the Start up focuses on looking for a proper market, a proper client, customer traction and so on. To get and manage Seed capital means a lot of determination and strong mind to go ahead, shared values, from Founders and Teams, while in Series A is important to scale this and take it to the customers. The world is changing so fast, innovation is happening faster than we can adapt, and this is is important for the new wave of Venture Capital, a VC which can be seen not as a gamble, but a way of creating something new, sen nurturing and finally making an impact. We wish all VCs were thinking like him, where VC would serve also to leave a mark on society and planet.